Good News

A California condor chick rests in a clear container lined with paper at the L.A. Zoo.

A Record-Breaking 17 California Condor Chicks Hatched at the L.A. Zoo This Year

The successful breeding season offers more hope for the endangered species, which has come back from the brink of extinction due to captive breeding efforts

An endangered Przewalski's horse is released into the Altyn Dala "Golden Steppe" in central Kazakhstan.

Endangered Wild Horses Return to Kazakhstan for the First Time in at Least 200 Years

The international effort, led by the Prague Zoo, released seven Przewalski’s horses to their native steppe habitat in central Asia

160 pilot whales, mainly adult females with several young calves, stranded themsleves in shallow waters on Thursday morning in Western Australia.

Rescuers Save 130 Beached Pilot Whales in Western Australia After Mass Stranding

An additional 29 whales died, officials reported last week, while the reason behind the stranding remains unknown

The Capital Kiwi Project members discovered two kiwi chicks late last month.

Wild Kiwis Born Near New Zealand's Capital for the First Time in More Than 150 Years

Conservationists discovered two brown kiwi chicks one year after the birds were reintroduced in a Wellington suburb

North Atlantic right whales face threats of entanglement in fishing gear and injuries caused by ships.

North Atlantic Right Whale Numbers May Be Stabilizing at Last

After a decade of decline, the latest population estimate is good news—but conservationists say we "have a long ways to go" to safeguard the marine mammals

A puffin on Eastern Egg Rock carries fish to feed its young.

Puffins Are Making a Comeback in Maine

After a down year in 2021, the birds have had two good years in a row

One of the adult ospreys in the breeding pair

Ospreys Breed in Ireland for the First Time in More Than 200 Years

The birds were driven to local extinction in the 18th century, but the new chicks provide hope for a comeback amid reintroduction efforts

A wolf spotted in the Sequoia National Forest

New Pack of Endangered Gray Wolves Discovered in California

The pack, which consists of a mother and her four offspring, is now the state’s southernmost wolf group

Braille signage will be added to rows and individual seats, as well as lavatories.

United Will Be the First U.S. Airline to Add Braille to Its Plane Interiors

The carrier announced that it will update its entire mainline fleet over the next three years

The chicks were both born in early May and should take their first flights later this year.

Two Baby Condors At Pinnacles National Park Are Healthy, 'Adorable Fluffballs'

The nestlings provide some good news for California condors, which faced a major setback from bird flu earlier this year

Inaccessible airplane lavatories are just one of the many challenges travelers with disabilities face while flying.

Airlines Will Be Required to Make Bathrooms More Accessible

Single-aisle planes will face new rules from the U.S. Department of Transportation—but they won’t go into effect for more than a decade

Researchers caught and tagged a 13-foot-long female sawfish off the coast of Cedar Key, Florida, in June.

13-Foot Endangered Sawfish Spotted in Northern Florida Hints at a 'Slow Recovery'

Scientists tagged the rare animal farther north than any such fish in decades, suggesting the species is returning to areas it once lived

An illustration of the Victorian grassland earless dragon, which, until February, had not been seen in the wild since 1969.

Scientists Find the 'Extinct' Victorian Earless Dragon, Not Seen Since 1969

Once thought to be gone from the wild, the lizards will now enter a breeding program in an attempt to save them from the brink of extinction

Red knots feed on horseshoe crab eggs along the shore at Mispillion Harbor, Delaware.

Red Knot Shorebird Numbers Rise in New Jersey

An independent survey counted 22,000 of the federally threatened birds, up from a historic low of 6,880 in 2021

The convertible seat folds down to make room for a wheelchair to be secured in place.

Could This Convertible Seat Improve Air Travel for Wheelchair Users?

If adopted, a new prototype would allow passengers to remain in their own wheelchairs on flights

The Seatrac on a beach on the Greek island of Samos

Greece Is Making Hundreds of Beaches More Accessible

Remote-controlled, wheelchair-friendly ramps will allow vacationers with mobility challenges to enjoy the sea

The submersible Alvin collects samples from rocky outcrop in the newly discovered coral reef.

See the Pristine Coral Reefs Found off the Galápagos Islands

These ancient deep-sea reefs have barely been affected by humans and can provide a way to measure the impact of climate change on corals

The Olympus digital camera was covered in mud and broken after spending 13 years in Colorado's Animas River, but Spencer Greiner was still able to pull photos off its memory card.

After 13 Years Underwater, Lost Digital Camera Photos Reunited With Owner

A Colorado fisherman spotted the camera sticking out of the mud along the the Animas River

In purple, a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica on September 10, 2009

The Ozone Hole Is on Track to Mend Itself Within Decades

The worldwide phaseout of ozone-depleting substances is allowing the atmosphere to recover, a new U.N. report finds

The bats were kept inside when temperatures dropped below freezing but were released back to their homes in late December.

Texas Woman Rescues 1,500 Hypothermic Bats During Cold Snap

The Houston Humane Society wildlife center director nursed the animals to health in her attic

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